I Nearly Lost Us


You may not remember me. I’m Maneesha of Balbec Beauty, and I make fresh vibrational skincare and fragrances. 

At some point over the past 10 Years (!!), you may have joined my email list presumably because you were curious about Balbec.

But nearly 4 years ago I stopped emailing you because:
I began creating vibrational perfumes and studying classical Chinese medicine and flower essences (I became a flower essence therapist in 2022); I drove around the world at least twice in miles taking my daughters to after school activities; and I was sending out orders to regular customers. I was overwhelmed and I let our newsletter go for a while.

Last week we dropped my older daughter off at college, and thanks to flower essences I’m here writing you instead of staring down her favorite ice cream. And my younger child is not feeling completely forlorn. And my husband is busy getting on with his work.

Because I knew exactly which flower essences we all needed and they’ve been working to keep us present and afloat.

And it hit me that I’m ready to start writing to you again because I have some things to share that you might find useful.

Such as:

  • A vibrational emotional first aid kit…aka Information about using single flower essences that you might want to keep handy for the ups and downs of everyday life. While this is not a comprehensive therapeutic session with custom formulas, I believe there is great relief and expansion to be had with some basics.


  • Reading your way into another dimension…aka Information about the energetics of the ingredients I use in Balbec products. Because people have asked me about the experience of relating to flowers and botanical ingredients in a multidimensional way. I find that a little time and focus on an ingredient creates a communication with its frequency that you can benefit from.  Even if you don’t physically use it. 


  • Balbec vibrational perfumes. I've never told you about them! Or that the clay and yogurt cleansers that started Balbec are now vibrational.  At least not in a newsletter. And again you don’t need to buy them to benefit from them.            

HOWEVER, If you don’t need another thing in your inbox (to add to what Jung calls the "overwhelming inrush of the newly discovered world that leaves a mass of material that is never dealt with"), I completely understand. 

But if you are curious and would like to stay, I’d love to have you along. You can sign up here.  And if you have anything you'd love to know more about from me--just send me a message!

Wishing you health and peace,
