Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)
Water Violets grow and float in clean water, barely touching the ground. The water violet personality may be reserved and slow to engage for fear of entanglement. They are often wise, deep, articulate and considered; they may be the first to leave gatherings and require time to recover.
Bach writes: These are very beautiful people…They are gentle, quiet, refined… masters of their fate…they lead their lives with a quiet determination and certainty.
Pablo Noriega writes: Water Violet persons present the paradox of creating such a sense of separation that in the end it becomes self-sufficiency, ultimately invalidating the possibility for living the wide range of human experiences.
Water Violet essence fosters meaningful connection, helping the Water Violet type to move beyond a guardedness bordering on loneliness and a false sense of separation from others and from life.
An essence that promotes comfortable fellowship for introverts and consequently benefits the extroverts who need them and their marvelous gifts.
In Balbec’s Vibrational Fragrance Harmonize Two.